More than 30 years ago, I was involved in the design of the Café Iguaçu factory in the small town of Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, Brazil.

I had planned to go to Brazil for a long period on that business trip, but shortly before I was due to leave, I was in a car accident in Japan. I ended up being hospitalized for over a year and became wheelchair-bound, so I couldn’t go to Brazil.

Since the factory was built, I had never tasted the instant coffee made there. That’s because it isn’t sold in Japan!

Recently, on a whim, I decided to import it. Two weeks have passed since then, and it finally arrived today!

It’s instant coffee, but since it’s made at a factory I was involved in designing, it must be delicious! After all, I have a special attachment to it.

Now, I need to drink this great coffee and finish my work quickly!
I still have a mountain of work to do, so I’ll do my best!

今から30年以上昔、私はブラジル、パラナ州の小さな街Cornélio Procópioにカフェ・イグアスの工場の設計に携わっていた。




インスタントコーヒーだが、私が設計に携わった工場で作られているのだから、美味しいに決まっている! やっぱ思い入れがあるもんね。
