The Hikawa Maru, a symbol of Yokohama Harbor, stands quietly, watching over the passage of time with silent grace. Once, this ship sailed across the vast Pacific Ocean to Seattle, its steel hull brimming with tales of adventure. Now, it rests, anchoring those stories deep within its iron embrace.

There was a time when this ship was more than just a vessel—it was a carrier of hope, despair, and everything in between. During the war, it transformed into a symbol of mercy, becoming a hospital ship where soldiers found solace amidst the chaos of battle. Later, as the world sought to mend its wounds, the Hikawa Maru took on the arduous task of rescuing the remnants of a shattered world, gathering the fragments of those left behind.

When peace returned, the ship resumed its voyages to Seattle, with its decks filled once again with dreams and promises of a new tomorrow. Now, standing in Yokohama Harbor, no longer crossing the seas, the Hikawa Maru serves as a monument to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in stillness, history breathes.

Map Hikawa Maru


