Under a twilight sky where orange and purple melted into each other, the Asuka II quietly returned to Yokohama Port. After 100 days of voyaging around the world, the passengers, each with a story etched in their hearts, descended the gangway. She, too, with a large bag in hand, slowly stepped onto the ground, each step deliberate and heavy with memories.

As a journalist, she had accompanied this grand voyage, feeling the pulse of the ship as it crossed the vast seas, capturing the subtle moments aboard, and weaving stories of the passengers as they encountered new landscapes and cultures in distant lands. Every moment became a precious, indelible mark on her heart. Yet, even amidst the journey, one light within her never dimmed—a steadfast warmth that assured her of his presence, waiting in the city of Yokohama.

At the edge of Ōsanbashi, there he stood, his gaze fixed on the ship. He, too, had been waiting, holding onto the hope that had kindled within him since the day she departed, eagerly anticipating their reunion. The moment she stepped off the ship, the word “welcome home” naturally rose within his heart, and in the next breath, he found himself rushing to her side.

When their eyes met, it felt as though the long stretch of 100 days and the distance between them vanished in an instant. Without a word, he embraced her, and as she felt his warmth, a single tear slid down her cheek.

“It felt long,” he murmured gently.

“Yes, it truly did. But it was a wonderful journey,” she replied, resting her face against his shoulder. “I traveled to so many places, met so many people, but the one place I longed to return to with all my heart was this city, where you were waiting.”

He gently stroked her hair, smiling softly, and said with tenderness in his eyes, “I’m so happy you’re home safe. I’ve been waiting here for you all along.”

She quietly took his hand, feeling its warmth, and whispered, “I want to share everything I gained on this journey with you.”

He squeezed her hand, confirming the warmth between them, and replied with quiet strength, “I’m looking forward to reading the articles you wrote. But more than anything, I want to hear your voice. Tell me about the sights you saw, the things you felt—everything.”

The two of them walked, shoulders touching, through the port, making their way to the park overlooking Ōsanbashi and the Asuka II. As they paused to take in the view, she began to tell him the stories of her journey, one after another. He listened quietly, sensing that the world she had seen was now being etched into their hearts as a new story, one they would share.

As the night deepened, they talked and laughed, as if reclaiming the time lost during those 100 days. The separation had only deepened the joy of their reunion. Her journey had ended, but now, a new journey for the two of them was quietly beginning.

Map Oosanbashi Pier










