In the heart of Yokohama, where the quiet strength of the city meets the gentle blossoming of nature, lies Yokohama Park. Once the site of Heiwa Stadium, this sacred ground of Japanese baseball hosted legends like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in 1934. Now transformed into Yokohama Stadium, it stood in the summer heat of the 2020 (2021) Tokyo Olympics, witnessing the games in solitude, a world closed off by the Covid-19 pandemic, with no cheers to echo within its walls.

But as spring arrived, so did the awakening of Yokohama Park, brought to life by a vibrant array of tulips. These graceful flowers bloomed in harmonious splendor, painting the landscape with shades of red, yellow, pink, and orange. The tulips stand as a testament to the resilience of this city and those who nurture it, embodying the beauty that persists even in the face of adversity. As they sway gently in the breeze, they whisper the tales of seasons past, of a time when hope lingered even in a world enveloped in silence. The delicate dance of the tulips reminds us that no matter how dark the winter, spring will come, carrying with it the promise of renewal.

Map Yokohama-Park

